This was written by Agnes Chong. She gave a sound advice for all the eager parents anticipating PSLE.

Anyway, we all know that too much of something is not good right.

So chillax a little (perhaps towards the end of the day) and get enough rest!

How can you take your examinations if your health is not good?

"As an ex-examiner, I’m sharing some ideas. Hope it comes in handy ?

1. Don’t fret - Get your child to head to bed and rest by 10. Studies have shown the brain works better and students can think of better answers and are more resourceful if they are well rested the night before. 

2. Don’t cram - Do not force your child to memorise answers, especially the night before. It’s anxiety-inducing for the whole family. ? Besides, there are just too many topics under the sun to memorise and when interacting with the examiner, we can all tell memorised answers from students’ body language. This evening, just read the papers/social media (valid sources) for A FEW current issues from and get your child to revise the structure for conversation based on Choice, Reason, Opinion. Just 2/3 topics will do for tonight. Overdoing it is counterproductive as there is an Optimal Performance Curve ?

3. Don’t overthink about the examiners
As pointed out by many teachers/ex-teachers in various posts, the examiners are encouraging and will try to give students as many marks as possible (provided students answer to the point and elaborate). We do understand that each child is under tremendous stress, not just from parents but other stakeholders ?. As such, the examiners will provide prompts to help your child along. It’s not an interview to assess for a job. It’s to gauge your child’s ability to carry out a decent conversation and to pronounce words clearly and expressively.

All the best!"

 Thanks cher!


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