A total of six men were charged in court for various offences of abusing public officers in their course of work. Amongst the public officers abused were SCDF officers and police officers. The abuses range from physical altercation and verbal abuse.

One man, S. Kulbir Singh Raghbir Singh Vigil, 28, faces the most number of charges, with five. Amongst his charges was for allegedly assaulting Sergeant Koo Wei Chieh from the Singapore Civil Defence Force in a Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) triage room on Jan 1. He had headbutted the SCDF officer, although no reason was given for the assault.

A second man, Randhir Nehru, 38, was alleged to have kicked a police officer, Sergeant Goh Wei Xiang, on his cheek and verbally abused him at the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in South Bridge Road on Jan 4. Three other men were charged for other various abuse of police officers, including using vulgar language on a police officer and spitting at a police officer.

One man was an exceltion ot the rule, when he assaulted an Nparks officer. The man, Richard Tan Han Woon, 20, allegedly used his left elbow to hit National Parks Board officer Sri Saravathi on her left arm and upper chest at the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Visitor Centre around 3pm on July 8 last year.

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