Cancer patient not diagnosed early by CGH died before getting compensation from CGH

A cancer patient, who was diagnosed late for her cancer by CGH, has died on Monday morning before she can get payment as part of a settlement with CGH for their negligence. Ms Noor Azlin Abdul Rahman was 39 years old, and suffered from fourth stage lung cancer.

The Court of Appeal had found the hospital negligent in its care and directed CGH "to consider the possibility of settlement in the interests of expediency and resolution" back in February. The hearing was scheduled for April 1, but Ms Noor died on the same day before the trial could commence. It was revealed that radiologists had twice  recommended follow-up appointments after X-rays of her chest were done. But both these recommendations were dismissed by the doctors involved.

The two doctors names who made the decisions, or why they made them, were not make public. 

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