The Huawei controversy happened last week on Friday. Many elderlies tried to queue up for the phone in the wee hours of the morning, with phones being sold out even before the sale started. Huawei has since apologized for the low amount of stocks.

The president of the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) and deputy speaker of the parliament, Lim Biow Chuan, took to Facebook on 29 July 2019 (Monday) to speak about the issue. In his post, he said:

To me, the Huawei advertisement is a breach of the Consumer Protection Fair Trading Act (CPFTA)

Lim urged that local authorities take Huawei to task and also asked for Huawei to "take appropriate actions" so that the tech giant can win back the goodwill of their consumers.

Today reported that Lim wrote this post in a personaly capacity.

Now while we are thankful for the president of CASE to speak up on the issue, one can only wonder if it's also because of the suspicion that elections are coming soon and that he is just trying to 'wayang'. Many of the other members of PAP has also became more active in engaging citizens and doing more for the community. Whatever it is, we hope that Huawei will do something about this debacle.

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