After netizens made the ghost of Yishun's Blk 317 a viral sensation, many were becoming afraid of the carpark ghost.

It started on Monday, when a lady going up the multi-strorey carpark in her car saw this white lady briefly entering the lift.

The lady that witnessed it desribed her feelings as being fearful.

Conincidentally, other netizens informed that on that very same day, at about close to 10 pm, several residents in the neighbouring blocks heard a piering scream.


One informed that when he looked out the window, he saw these students at the carpark. One of them likely being the white hantu.

Finally one of the members of the trio came out and shared to social media that the three of them were just making a short film for a school project. 

The member also publicly apologise for unintentionally causing fear and shock to the residents there. 

Happy ending!

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