5 SCDF Personnel Charged for Ragging Which Resulted in NSF's Death
Corporal Kok Yuen Chin was part of a ragging incident for personnels who were going to ORD. The five officers getting charged are Mohammad Nur Fatwa Mahmood, 33; Mohamed Farid Mohamed Saleh, 34; Kenneth Chong Chee Boon, 37; Adighazali Suhaimi, 32; and Nazhan Mohamed Nazi, 40.
Apart from the five officers, the police also referred eight other officers who were present during the incident to the SCDF for departmental investigations. Of which, six are regulars and two are NSFs. Under the Civil Defence Act, the regular officers will face public service disciplinary actions, which may include dismissal from service or demotion in rank, and the NSFs will be liable for detention and/or demotion in rank if the investigations reveal that they had violated SCDF's rules and regulations.