Taxi Beats Red Light & Knocks Down a Pedestrian at Penang Road

In the latest news on reckless drivers, a taxi beat a red light at Penang road while two pedestrians were running across the road in the rain. According to the video of a car dashboard camera, the driver hit one of the pedestrians and sent him flying. The second pedestrian immediately dropped his belongings to attend to the victim. In the video, the passenger of the taxi and another pedestrian who was nearby came to assist. The taxi driver was nowhere to be seen in the video.

The fine for beating a red light is S$200 for light vehicles in Singapore. The driver is also given 12 demerit points. Let us all hope for a speedy recovery for the pedestrian that was hit.

Taxi Beats Red Light & Knocks Down a Pedestrian at Penang Road

Taxi Beats Red Light & Knocks Down a Pedestrian at Penang Road

In the latest news on reckless drivers, a taxi beat a red light at Penang road while two pedestrians were running across the road in the rain. According to the video of a car dashboard camera, the driver hit one of the pedestrians and sent him flying. The second pedestrian immediately dropped his belongings to attend to the victim. In the video, the passenger of the taxi and another pedestrian who was nearby came to assist. The taxi driver was nowhere to be seen in the video.

The fine for beating a red light is S$200 for light vehicles in Singapore. The driver is also given 12 demerit points. Let us all hope for a speedy recovery for the pedestrian that was hit.

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