The Online Citizen has announced plans to continue its publication despite initially saying that it will go on hiatus. It is undergoing investigations for defamation and had its electronic devices seized by the police. Both its editor, Terry Xu, and one of its writers, Willy Sum, are being investigated. 

Even though they have many obstacles in their way, TOC will continue with the support from kind-hearted Singaporeans. People have contributed to the purchase of new equipment and as subscribers to the website. It is only right for it to keep business going. 

"We would like to express our thanks to all who have contributed so far, whether it is in monetary or in contribution of article and information. 

We will be running a fund raising campaign soon to prepare and expand our team so as to deal with the election next year. As there is risk of me [Terry Xu] being arrested and put to jail, there is an urgent need to ensure that the publication is able to run even with me behind bars especially during the election period."

Xu promised to keep the website going until the day TOC has exhausted its resources. 

Be strong TOC. Let's hope our democracy has not been exhausted.

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