Singapore's  PAP's PM reserve Prime Minister-in-waiting, Keechiu Chan Chun Sing, has mouthed off again on the issue of class, social mobility and cohesion here in Singapore. In a recent dialogue, Chan impressed upon the participants on the need for Singapore to develop a new social compact to ensure that slower Singaporeans are not left behind by those who are moving faster on the socio-economic ladder. Chan opined that Singaporeans need to develop a sense of collective responsibility and be mindful of the needs of others, rather than be self-centred.

One wonders if he has said the same things to his fellow leaders in the PAP.

You talk about not leaving anyone behind, about having representation and diversity of voices. But when you look at the leadership of the PAP, you realise that they are very very homogenous and elitist.

Do not give the crap about the cream rising to the top. Hello Chan Chun Sing, if you haven't heard, meritocracy in Singapore is skewed and flawed because you are not helping people equitably. The rich should help themselves, to get richer. The government's job is to give the poor similar, if not the same opportunities. That's not the case here. The government helps the rich get even further ahead when those resources can be better used on those with limited resources.

This is not fake news. This is not a lie.

Take a look at the PAP's leadership. Alumnus of  Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, NUS and come from elite schools like RI, RJ, Hwa Chong, National JC.  Where is the poly graduate? Where is the dropout who made it big? Where is the private university graduate? You want Singaporeans to mix and think about others but you are not leading and walking the talk. Chan really talks a good game.

Chan don't talk so much. Don't try to get Singaporeans to change as if everything that is wrong with Singaporeans are solely our fault. Singaporeans care about each other. There is enough news about Singaporeans helping their fellow Singaporeans and even foreigners in their times of need or even for their routine daily needs. 

It is the PAP and its elite class that needs to change. Singaporeans help out of goodwill but PAP and its elites help for a photo opportunity and to score political points. 



The writer, Kelvin, is not elite.

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