Just on our National Day Rally, PM Pinky claimed that we need about $100 billion over a long term to protect ourselves against rising sea levels. Now, they announced that HDB is going to roll out 6,000 digital notice boards in housing estates as part of their smart nation drive. These boards will be installed at common areas such as lift lobbies, and lifts.

These notice boards will be used to “facilitate the delivery of community and municipal messages to residents in a convenient, timely and neater way”. Contents range from community happenings to advertisements (which they claim will take up no more than 30% of screen time). 

After seeing these facts, aren't you questioning why we need these notice boards? So that the government can earn the money from the advertisements? We are perfectly fine with paper notices are we not? How much more do we have to pay for the electricity used to run such notice boards? Also, with the running of such digital notice boards, carbon emissions will no doubt be increased in Singapore. Should we not save money on getting these boards and at the same time saving the environment?

It seems to me like the Government is tearing down our environment themselves and making us pay for it ($100 billion ok?). First they claim that they want to save our environment. Then they decide to get such stupid things to what? Inflate their own ego? Oh look Singapore is a smart nation. I say, we might look like a smart nation at the end of the day. But it seems like we are being run by a very stupid gang of people who thinks of nothing but their own pride and money.

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