Is it a trend for Ministers to shoot their mouths off without thinking? Lately, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung commented that LGBTs in Singapore "live in Singapore peacefully, no discrimination at work, housing (and) education. They go about their lives". 

His response, which obviously was not well thought-out, was unsurprisingly met with much disdain. A local organisation that supports queer women, Sayoni, was one of those who stepped up to debunk his remark. 

According to Sayoni, LGBTs still face discrimination in Singapore. It does not help that our nation's policies,do not provide enough support for them to retaliate against the social stigma. LGBTs today appear to be largely left alone but depend very much on the goodwill of the public. They generally do not enjoy equal rights and are treated like second-class citizens. 

Those who are worse off may also experience violence because people cannot accept them as who they are. Even though they are born this way. 

On what basis was Ong Ye Kung referring to when he confidently claimed that LGBTs are equally treated in Singapore? Does he know the importance of repealing Section 377A? Does he know the troubles and stress LGBTs go through everyday? 

When we have supposedly "capable" 4G Ministers like him, it is no wonder LGBTs here can never be free from marginalisation nor be regarded as ordinary Singaporeans.

Credits to Sayoni

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