Far East Plaza shop owner Von Tan shared on Facebook her unfortunate encounter with a pair of well-trained shoplifters who hit her store near its closing time and made away with various small items which they skillfully swiped off the shelves. The duo worked in tandem, one distracting the sales assistant while the other went on her shoplifting spree.

This pair of thieves did pay for a top but made away with much more. The shop owner felt that they were well-versed in their modus operandi and warned all store owners to watch out for these two shoplifters.

"The spree ended with P paying for a top @ $89.9 and she passed me a $100( Brunei dollar ) and they happily got away with few items from my shop. Last but not least, S also took a scarf which we have in the fitting room for customers with make up to use. I presumed she thought that was a HER-MESS silk scarf.

They may tend to target small businesses like ours thinking that there’s nothing much we can do about it even if we caught them in footages like this. In case you ( S & P ) are reading this, i may not be able to nab you on the spot but i trust that u will soon be caught not now but later. So, please continue your shopping sprees and give other victims a chance to do so. Thank you."


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