Jewel Changi Airport is not even opened more than two months, yet another unfortunate incident happened there last Saturday. It was reported that a five year old boy's slipper was caught in an escalator.

Fortunately, the boy only suffered a minor cut. Onlookers reported that the boy remained calm throughout his ordeal, holding back his tears as he waited for help to come. A doctor who happened to be there helped assess the boy. SCDF was informed of the incident, but when the arrived, the boy had been freed and he was already receiving medical treatment, so SCDF help was not required. 

This was another incident to have struck Jewel since their soft launch opening in April. Two cases of water leakage had been reported, and since found to be due to sprinkler activation, while a driver was shocked to have been charged $3,100. This was since found to be because the driver's previous exit from the area had not been registered.

Is Jewel beset by issues even before they can reach their one year anniversary?

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