A lady went to Padang for the National Education (NE) show on 13 July, along with her parents, her sister-in-law's parents, uncle, as well as her niece and nephew.

They however alighted at Esplanade MRT station when their assigned seats were actually nearer to City Hall MRT.

She didn't count on meeting an angel.

When she approached a group of soldiers for direction, one of the soldiers not only offered to lead them to the correct area, he also carried the little nephew all the way there.

This was a relief for the lady. She reached out to The Singapore Army's Facebook Page to commend and thank the solidier.

According to the lady, the soldier was one "YY Tan" from a Guards unit.

Whoever you are, thank you for showing that our soldiers care for the citizens and will go out of their way to assist them.


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