This chiobu has a weird habit that has made members of the public very concerned - she likes to chillax at dangerous places.

According to reports, she was seen at Block 4 Tanjong Pagar Plaza and Blk 333 Kreta Ayer, on 15 July.

A family also witnessed her sitting on the ledge at the 19th storey of Blk 333, at 7pm.

As they were concerned that she might consider jumping, they advised her to not be reckless. She reportedly tried to allay their concerns by telling them that she was merely there to chill, and not to commit suicide.

When she was told to come down from the ledge, she complied, only to do the same thing on the 18th floor.

The police are looking for the chiobu. If you have any information on her, you can submit them to the police at 1800-255-0000 or at

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