The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has announced that Prince, the missing Shetland Sheepdog, died while boarding at Platinum Dogs Club. The sheepdog was reported missing a few weeks ago, prompting a search by many animal enthusiasts. PDC is under investigation for allegedly mishandling the animals there.

In the past month, owners have complained that their pets suffered from malnutrition and infection after being sent to PDC. The slew of complaints finally made the authorities commence investigations into the pet boarding house and its owner. 

Prince was said to be cremated by a pet cremation service. 

While it is a wonder how a pet boarding house is allowed to run given its poor track record and series of complaints, the AVA urged people to refrain from speculating as investigations are ongoing. 

RIP Prince. It was unfortunate that he suffered under those irresponsible people. The least the authorities can do now is to give them their overdue punishment.

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