Some students of Nanyang Girls High School were left highly uncomfortable, after a female teacher unbuttoned their shirts to check the colour of their bra straps during an attire check. The female teacher was reported to be the Secondary 4 year head.

She was forced to apologise to the parents and the girls affected, after most of them took to social media to voice their unhappiness at the forced checks. The school has a policy where the girls can only wear white or beige coloured undergarments. It was reported by a parent of one of the student involved that the female teacher had been conducting the attire check on behalf of the male form teacher. She was alleged to have undone the collar buttons of the students' school uniforms and pulled out their bra straps during the checks. 

This led to the principal of the school to send emails to apologise to the parents of the students. The female teacher had also publicly apologised to the students affected. Most of the students post on this incident have also since been removed.  

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