British expert says Singapore cars should travel 30km/hr on normal roads

British public health specialist Lucy Saunders has said that vehicles in Singapore travel too fast on normal roads here, and suggest that a speed limit of 30km/hr would be ideal on non-expressway roads in Singapore.

Lucy Saunders is the kind of foreign talent that Singapore's government wish to attract, and to drive home the fact that foreign talents like her understand the Singapore's culture like they understand Singlish, Saunders has said that the reduction of 10km/hr on the normal roads is the difference between life and death. So, the figure of 30km/hr on Singapore roads makes sense, she has reiterated.

In other news, e-scooters and bicycles are limited to 25km/hr, so, we can all save money on expensive cars and even more expensive fuel, by ditching our cars and riding e-scooters and bicycles instead. After all, the speed limit is going to be almost the same soon, if we follow the talented foreigner who is also Britain's public health specialist. 

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