The POFMA (Protection from Falsehoods and Manipulation Act) machine rolls on.

It issued corrections directions (CDs) to the leader of the People's Voice Party (PV), Lim Tean, along with two other Facebook users, "Henryace Ace" and Sebastian Ying. The CDs were in connection with posts that alleged that an event held at Safra Jurong East was organised by the People's Association (PA) and the resident's committees (RCs).

This event became one of the largest coronavirus cluster in Singapore. 

Unsurprisingly, the CDs were initiated by Chan Chun Sing, in his capacity as Deputy Chairman of PA.

This is the third time that Lim Tean has been issued with CDs.

This will not stop him from continuing to speak up. He continues to be a vociferous critic of the government in its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, even when others laid took a step back. This is to the benefit of Singaporeans as the government has to be transparent with the public.

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