Electricity tariffs will drop by a 0.79 cent per kWh from October to December 2019. In their media release, SP Group claims that this is mainly due to the lower cost of natural gas for electricity generation.
Meanwhile, we citizens have realised that whenever there are goodies for citizens, it means that something is coming soon. That's right. They need us to feel good before the elections come. If they don't make us feel good, we wouldn't vote for them! Slowly but surely, the people in white are awakening from their four to five year slumber to do what they do best - wayang.
I mean just look at auntie lee collecting rubbish:
Help la.
We don't need people to wake up from their hibernation for a maximum of a year every four to five years and give out chicken wings. We need people to help better our lives every year. I mean.. a quarter of lower electricity tariffs just when the time is coming? What about trying to lower our tariffs for good. Or lowering our cost of living, GST, fare hikes, etc.. We need better people to fight for us and not just seat warmers.