The Government has started giving out their chicken wings. Yesterday, the announcement of the removal of three ERP charges during the morning peak period was released to the joy of many commuters. The announcements on the merdeka generation package. Aren't all these just chicken wings given to us by the current ruling government? Just like how they give out GST vouchers, they then increase the our taxes to take back one whole chicken.

This always happens when we are near an election period. I feel that this is such a dishonest way of getting votes. Not to mention, they are currently also milking the bicentenary by releasing pages of them praising themselves, telling the public about all they good they've done. If they have really done so well, they would not need to resort to such tactics to get more votes. The citizens know what they have done for them first hand. Why the need to wayang?

But I hope that many of the 70% will wake up for the upcoming GE. We have to show the government that we are not sheeple and that we have to stand up for ourselves. Just because they dangle a chicken wing in front of us doesn't mean we will fall for their tricks and vote for them. #VTO

Credits: Facebook


Editors note: Are you falling for the chicken wings? Why and why not?

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