A redditporean, u/redditporean (username checks out) posted on the Singapore subreddit regarding an experience he had today. He was on a GrabShare ride and realised that the driver had some kind of deformity in both of his hands. 

Redditporean did not make any complaints but wonders if it is actually safe for him to be driving on our roads. The age old question comes back, should we fear for the safety of the masses to let him make ends meet? Or should we just let it be? The job market out there is not good even for our local university students. How can a uncle with deformed hands hold up in our current climate? What do you think?

While we feel for this uncle, he must have some great motivation to carry on working to make ends meet in his situation. Kudos!

Strong willed Grab Uncle with deformed hands

I was waiting for my Grabshare today and the driver missed a turn to come to my lane and took a long detour to pick me up, I suspected he did so to get another GrabShare match before picking me up, but when he arrived I saw that both his hands have some kind of deformity and he can barely hold the steering with either of his hands, my heart melted immediately and I didn't utter a word to complain. I know he must be doing this job to make ends meet but it also raises a question if it's safe for him and his passengers to drive like this. It would be unfair to say that there was any issue with his driving in my journey but I could see how he struggled to use the steering while taking longer turns or U-turns or use the phone's touch screen for navigation. God forbid but if someday he requires to do quick steering manuever to dodge a vehicle he might not be able to do so soon enough.

P.S. This post is not a complain just wanted to share about this strong willed uncle

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