Despite tensions rising week after week between Malaysia and Singapore, our dear Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has saw fit to go on annual leave for the rest of 2018, leaving Singapore in the "good hands" of his deputies. 

Singaporeans should also be reminded that despite the raging dispute between our two nations, Lee Hsien Loong has not made a single public statement about the matter. Could this be a reflection of his apathy and lack of respect or interest in the issue? 

Malaysia Prime Minister has time and again chimed in on the issue and made known his government's position on the maritime and ILS dispute, our Prime Minister has chosen to keep mum and leave Singaporeans hanging without any direction or leadership. 

Considering that taxpayers pay him millions of dollars, the highest paid politician in the world, shouldn't more be expected of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong or is it also too much to ask? I find it ridiculous that at a time of national crisis, our top leader is allowed or has the gall to go on leave, shouldn't it be all hands on deck to solve the problem? Maybe that is why Singapore propose to only meet the Malaysians in January because they don't want to spoil their holiday plans.

How about those hawkers, taxi drivers who do not have annual leave? Can the government waive off their rental or allow them to claim holiday paid? Can the hawker cleaner go on 2 weeks annual leave too? Shame on our leader. 

Is this the kind of leadership we expect of our elite Ministers? 


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