Lim Tean, a common face in the local opposition scene, was issued a writ of summons for not repaying a US$150,000 loan. This amounts to more than S$200,000. 

In Sep 2013, Chinese National Huang Min lent Lim a huge amount, to which the latter promised to repay a few months later. Unfortunately, he has reportedly failed to do so.

It is unclear why Huang lent him such a huge amount of money but some news reports have said that it is related to an iron ore business by Lim.

How will the ex-NSP politician defend himself and recover from this setback? It does not help that he has just set up a new political party called People's Voice after resigning from the National Solidarity Party last year. 

Can Singaporeans continue to believe in an opposition coalition? Will we have another good alternative to turn to when we feel like the government is screwing us up? 

The outlook is bleak for Singaporeans but one thing's for sure, many will not trust the arrogant incumbent. Not when they cheated Singaporeans' feelings so many times.

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