You know Tan Kin Lian. He is the former CEO of NTUC Income who contested the Presidential elections and lost his deposit.


He's a difficult man to understand.

Yet, from his recent post, it is crystal clear who he will not vote for in the next general elections (GE).

I liked PAP.

But that was the PAP of the past when they took care of the people.

Today, the PAP leaders take care of the rich people, including themselves.

They make life difficult for ordinary people. They make the cost of living high and unaffordable. The ordinary people are suffering. They worry for their jobs and families.

So, I do not like PAP today.

If you are a rich man in Singapore, chances are, you'll appreciate what the PAP has done for the business community.

But, not all Singaporeans are rich like you. Even middle income Singaporeans struggle with the high cost of living. 

Each time the subject is brought up, PAP will point to uncontrollable external factors as the main culprits.

What about their policies?

You may not have voted for Tan Kin Lian in the Presidential elections. But don't ignore him when he tells you that he does not like the PAP of today.


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