Colors: Blue Color

Our PAP Ministers sure have a way of making Singaporeans unhappy. Many of us work hard just to earn a humble living while they get to take home an ALL TIME LOW of 4.1 months' bonus! This is preposterous. Furthermore, this amount is on top of their basic salary, which is "peanuts", a 13th month allowance and a National Bonus - whatever that means.

They still have the cheek to say that the pay structure is "sound"? They have the balls to say that they are "not paid enough"?

Why are our politicians so thick-skinned? They are already earning so much yet they want to teach the rest of us Singaporeans to save money. Some of their stupid advice are to use Wireless@SG instead of 4G, buy cheaper milk powder and walk more to save on public transport fees. Why do Singaporeans have to scrimp and save while our Ministers get to enjoy fancy bonuses?

When Singaporeans complain about higher costs of living, they tell us to save more and spend less. And then they get to take home sky high salaries.

When Singaporeans complain about Ministers being overpaid, they justify that they are worth it because of their painstaking efforts at serving the nation. And then they get to take home sky high salaries instead.

It is no surprise that so many Singaporeans are unhappy with our ruling party because they keep pushing the wrong buttons. From housing to carpark to public transport to CPF, our Government seems to be making more excuses than improvements. To many Singaporeans, they are definitely overpaid. To many Singaporeans, they are also definitely not worthy of their current pay. 

So to our beloved Ministers, if many Singaporeans are thinking this way, it may well be a your problem. It is better that you start checking if your hearts are in the right place and start serving Singaporeans better. 

So, Law Minister K Shanmugam said the repeal of the 377A is entirely up to the society? Whether they want it to be removed or not, we can debate and decide? Sure or not? Or is he saying this just to pacify the noises emanating from the pink group?

What about the Ministers asking for smoking to be banned inside someone's own (leased) HDB flat? So that the neighbours don't have to face second hand smoke? Are these Ministers really concerned, or are they just acting for votes in the next GE? Petitions have started to appear online for the 377A Act since the Minister made his remarks. But do you honestly think it will work?

Petitions or no petitions, these snakes in Parliament only cares about political power. They will do what is popular for the day, what will win them votes. And what right do they have to enforce their rules and regulations on an individual's rights and regulations in their own house? Smoking in own house is now going to be banned? How are they going to enforce that? Very soon, maybe what you are up to in your own bedroom might also get regulated. After all, HDB homes are not really ours to begin with, right?

What right do these highly paid Ministers have to dictate our lives? Oh, 70% voted for them, and will probably do so again in the next GE. Thanks for that.

After years of trying to deny that our NSFs are underpaid and overworked, here it another damning statistic. 14% of NSFs who actually went AWOL actually did that because they and their families were facing financial hardship. And the boys serving in NS cannot really help out with their family needs, thus the reason they went AWOL, if only because they wanted to help their families.

These young boys are being put in an impossible decision, to help out with their families finanial needs and thus the need to go AWOl in order to find work outside, or serve their NS with distinction while watching their families suffer hardship. Most of them were willing to sacrifice themselves in the hour of need for their families, thus the serious offence of going AWOL, and the real chanec of being sent to detention barracks once they are caught.

Serving the nation with such a low pay. Whoever thought that is possible? Certainly not the PAP, who demands millions in order to serve the nation. How would they know about sacrifice?

Singapore activists Kirsten Han, Thum Ping Tjin and Jolovan Wham who met with Malaysia's Dr Mahathir and discussed democracy and politics in the region have finally made a formal complaint against members of the PAP after being subject to tremendous amounts of hate and vitriol online. Writer Kirsten Han sent letters of complaint to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and PAP MP Charles Chong regarding the conduct of Seah Kian Peng and K Shanmugam. They said that Mr Seah made serious accusations about them without providing evidence and his views were amplified by the media and other pro-PAP entities. 

The activists urged PM Lee to promote responsible behaviors and accountability within the PAP.   


A day after explaining what he does on his seditious vacation to meet Dr Mahathir in Malaysia was nobody's business except his own, Singapore human rights activist Jolovan Wham went one further and said he would do it all over again (to meet Dr Mahathir) despite the public controversy. Wham believes that freedom of speech and human rights are universal basic rights that transcends boundaries and his life choices are not dictated by the PAP government's paranoid fantasies. 

He roundly criticized the PAP government's reaction as that of an insecure authoritarian regime and stuck to his beliefs that Singapore needs change. Wham also shared that it was perfectly normal for Singapore activists to lobby overseas politicians on political and civil rights. 

Local activist Jolovan Wham was among a few who recently met Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad for more than an hour. In a Facebook post, Wham disclosed some of what was discussed during the meeting e.g. LGBT rights, ethnic relations, freedom of speech, etc. He found the encounter with Mahathir fascinating but was surprised that the PM viewed Malays as corrupt, unproductive and dishonest. He described Mahathir as having a conservative and offensive view as he was also against LGBT relationships. 

This is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity but what impact will it have exactly on Singapore and Singaporeans?


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