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PM Lee spoke at an Edusave award ceremony in Townsville Primary School yesterday. Pinky claimed that education is vital to Singapore's future and the education system in Singapore has been designed to bring out the best in each student. 

The education system has approved to go through some big changes in the recent months. This includes subject based banding instead of streaming as well as the change in the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) scoring system.

In his speech, pinky also said

"And it is one of the most important things that the Government pays attention to because we believe that through education, we can help our citizens gain skills, learn knowledge, become productive and useful, become good people and make a living for themselves"

With him bragging about how our education can help our citizens gain skills and make a living for themselves, our unemployment rate seems only to be rising. Pinky is once again running his mouth without thinking. Furthermore, with so many pros to our education system, one would expect him and his family members to be studying in Singapore. 

With Pinky as one of the biggest figureheads of the country, he should be quite fit from all the running he does. Running the country to the ground and running his big fat mouth.


Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker was released last week on 19 Dec 2019. The blockbuster which marked the end of a saga had a small scene with a gay couple sharing a kiss on screen. This scene was removed from the movie in Singapore so that it can get a PG rating instead of a more age restricted scene.

Some of you might think that the scene was banned because they were the focus and it was a long and passionate kiss. But the truth is it was just a short scene with many people celebrating their victory. The camera goes by the couple and moves on.

This scene was even passed in China. To think that some of us always laugh at them for being backwards on such ideals. But it seems like right now we are more backwards than them. 

Well whatever the case might be, it really seems like our Government will continue to clamp down on such instances. Would we get a more forward thinking Government in the near future? Nobody knows.

Remember to catch the finale of the saga in the nearest cinema near you!

The anti-fake news law in Malaysia was introduced by the Barisan Nasional in May 2018. Pakatan Harapan tried to repeal the bill last year but was blocked by the Senate which was controlled by the opposition Barisan Nasional coalition. Pakatan Harapan subsequently waited for the cooling off period before they tried again in October this year. 

Seeing that our neighboring country did it, it gives some of our citizens hope that our very own POFMA can be changed or removed too. POFMA has been used four times since it's introduction on Singapore Democratic Party, Progress Singapore Party's Brad Bowyer, leader of People's Voice party Lim Tean and Alex Tan who writes on States Times Review.

Many have accused our Government for misusing the law and wants to at least have our courts be in charge of charging people with it so that we can achieve a higher level of transparency and accountability. However, they paid no heed to these opinions. 

Our elections are expected to come soon. If a new government is voted in, do you think we have a higher chance of this law being removed?

Education Minister Ong Ye Kung said that the practice of withholding the PSLE results if school fees are not paid "should be reviewed" on 18 Dec 2019. 

This came after numerous petitions from citizens, asking them to review this practice. However, MOE claimed that this has been a longstanding practice. Pinky's wife Ho Jinx, also chimed in on the issue, urging schools to allow students to volunteer at the schools for an "allowance" (which by the way, just sounds like child labor in nicer terms). Since then, they have remained silent until Ong Ye Kung spoke on this issue again.

The education minister claims that he will be speaking up on this issue in the coming parliament meeting. Skeptics are saying that they are only taking action because PM Lee's wife said something. Some says that they are trying to make citizens happy before elections. But ultimately, who knows? Seems like our lives are for them to toy with.

The POFMA law has been used four times since it has been approved. It was used on Brad Bowyer - member of Progress Singapore Party, SDP, States Times Review and most recently, Lim Tean.

Many have tried to reason with the Government that the law should be run by the courts of Singapore for Independence as giving the Ministers the power to enact this law anytime they want does not measure up to the standards of accountability and transparency.

Lim Tean has chosen to stand his ground and find legal means to get around this law. He also mentioned that this law should be removed as soon as PAP gets voted out from the parliament. 

You can read his full post here below:

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