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The KL-Singapore High Speed Rail project has been officially postponed for 2 years. In a ceremony held today, Malaysia's Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali and Singapore's Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan inked agreements to defer the HSR. Malaysia will have to pay $15 million before the end of January next year for wanting to suspend the project. This is relatively cheap, considering that Mahathir wanted to cancel the whole thing when he recently became PM once more.

If they do not proceed with the project by May 2020, it will have to pay even more for the costs incurred by Singapore in fulfilling the agreement. 

The HSR is now expected to commence on 1 Jan 2031 instead.

According to Mr Azmin, the agreement came to fruition because of the "strong commitment to bilateral cooperation" between Singapore and Malaysia. Do you agree that this is a win-win situation? Why did Singapore readily agree to their request? What makes us so sure that they will not go back on their word after 2 years? 

For now, O$P$. Let's hope they will not eat more of Singaporeans' hard-earned money.

Singaporeans wake up to shitty mornings but this man had it worst. A resident at Buangkok Crescent woke up to find his toilet flooded with shitty, dirty water as his plumbing had failed overnight. 

The poor couple had to spend more than 8 hours scooping up and disposing of more than 100 buckets of dirty water. The stench was reportedly horrible at best.

The same thing happened to not just one but both of their toilets. After some investigating, they found out that the cause of the flooding was due to a wooden plank that blocked one of the pipes. The problem has since been dealt with and resolved properly.

What a shitty nightmare.

A motorcyclist and his pillion rider were lucky to be alive after being sideswiped by a reckless driver. From the video, the reckless old man did not bother to make space for them at all. It was sheer luck that they controlled the bike from crashing.

"good morning brothers and sisters. i met with an accident ytd with this old man. he nearly took me and my pillion into serious state due to his reckless driving. thank god and lucky me i managed to handle my bike well and managed to catch up with him and stop him. or else he would have fled away! please be careful on the road! life’s not cheap and it’s not worthy to face something which isn’t your mistake.  #SN80U"

Apparently, this is not the first time the same driver was reported for reckless driving. In April this year, the same arrogant Jaguar driver was shamed on Facebook for sideswiping another bike.

Just what is wrong with this driver? Can afford Jaguar big fuck? Old man big fuck? If he repeats this enough, maybe it's time the authorities take action to get this troublemaker off the roads.

Credits to Abel Kenneth Pereira for the story




The Edge Media in Malaysia has reported using inside sources that Singapore and Malaysian governments have reached an agreement to defer the construction of the Singapore-Kuala Lumper HSR without any penalties for a period of 2 years. This agreement was not a provision in the existing HSR agreement and Singapore was by no means obliged to make such a concession but in the spirit of good neighbourliness, this deferment agreement was reached. 

If Malaysia had scrapped the HSR, they were liable to pay up to RM500 million to Singapore. This new deferment agreement will run till 31 May 2020 and the HSR would be legally required to commence construction then. 

The original media report on this 2 year deferment can be found here


Prominent historian Dr Thum Ping Tjin has rigorously rebuked any notions of him being a traitor to Singapore after his meeting with Dr Mahathir in which he discussed democracy issues and asked Dr Mahathir to take leadership in the promotion of democracy in South East Asia. Dr Thum clarified that he will never stop fighting to attain a Singapore who embraces democracy, human rights and freedom of expression. He also said that the solution to Singapore's problems lied with Singaporeans but we can always learn from the experience of others like Malaysia which is now a beacon for democracy in South East Asia. 

 PAP MP Seah Kian Peng, the Chairman of the Deliberate Falsehoods Select Committee and Law Minister K Shanmugam have both criticized Dr Thum and his colleagues who met with Dr Mahathir and accused them of ill-intentions towards Singapore. 


After months of online silence, Lee Hsien Yang the son of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew who is in self-imposed exile in Hong Kong has spoken up about his son's ongoing litigation case with the Singapore AGC. Lee Hsien Yang alleges that others who made similar criticisms of the Singapore judiciary were let off scot-free while his son Li Shengwu continues to be prosecuted for a post made in private on his personal facebook profile. 

Mr Li Shengwu had previously been asked to apologise by the AGC but stood by what he wrote, as a result, the Singapore AGC took legal action against him even though his words were only known after a friend of his sent his private post to the authorities. Li Shengwu should make better friends than these backstabbing jokes who snitch on him. 

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